Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas Facing Social Work - 1619 Words

Introduction Reflection is a process of learning through and from self-analysis, self-evaluation, self-dialogue and self-observation towards gaining new possibilities for self-enhancement. In social work, this learning process is an integral part of applying theory to practice. With the growing influence of postmodernism, social workers also need to be prepared to recognise the eurocentric discourse that grounds and governs their disciplinary knowledge. It is against this background that I will reflect upon Foucault’s power-knowledge axis, particularly as it relates to cultural competence. As will be demonstrated, anti-oppressive practice rests on the ability of social workers to analyse the power dynamics that pervade their encounters†¦show more content†¦Beyond undermining the importance of Indigenous world-views, this also justified a normative environment that further marginalised culturally diverse populations. It is against this background that cultural relativists would arg ue that, in its attempt to extend universalism, social work is a form of cultural imperialism, dependent on the disqualification of competing ‘false’ knowledges by the hegemonic assertion of Western social work knowledge as universal ‘truth’. The influence of postmodernism, which does not promote one paradigm over another, but focuses on the subjective nature of truth, has helped to alleviate these social issues to some extent. However, concerns surrounding Indigenous models of social care persist today, where modern social work discourse continues to promote the dominance of Western ideals such as scientific reliability and professional autonomy. Thus, social work has the capacity to escalate inequalities by concentrating on aligning clients with societal norms that privilege advantaged groups and worsen the relative condition of the most disadvantaged. Consequently, a crucial task confronting social work is that of deciphering the paradoxical directions surrounding universalism, indigenisation and cultural imperialism. Foucault’s power-knowledge axis offers a useful approach for reflecting on these important social issues. Examining Foucault’sShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of An Ethical Dilemma1026 Words   |  5 Pagescreate ethical dilemmas. Situations will arise and nurses have a duty to protect the patients and themselves. This paper will outline a significant event in my practice that caused an ethical dilemma. Clinical Situation Ethical dilemmas are defined situations in which, there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion (Your Dictionary). 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